Immigrants in California and around the country could be denied a green card if they have been reliant on certain forms of public assistance. They could also be denied the chance to have a green card renewed if they are already in the country legally. This is according to action taken by the Trump administration. It seeks to update a 1999 rule that applied to immigrants who had used cash benefits.
However, if the rule is expanded, it would cover those who had used public housing or received certain forms of health care assistance. The latest version of the rule was announced on Sept. 22 and would not penalize those who had received tax credits to help purchase an Obamacare policy. According to the Department of Homeland Security, it would ensure that immigrants were self-sufficient and that they wouldn’t be a drain on the country’s resources.
A representative from the National Immigration Law Center said that it put poor people at a disadvantage. She said that the proposed rule would put money over families being together or how an immigrant could otherwise contribute to the community. In addition to other restrictions for non-monetary benefits, those who receive more than $1,821 in benefits that could be converted into cash could also be denied a green card.
Those who are legal permanent residents of the United States may need to apply to have their green cards renewed. Failure to do so could result in an individual being deported from the country. Anyone who has questions about their legal status may benefit from speaking with an attorney who has experience in this area of the law.