You may have friends or family members who have obtained their green cards through the sponsorship of a relative or employer. A green card grants permanent residence status to the holder, opening many benefits and protections. If you want this status for yourself,...
Immigration Law Is All About Family
Victims of Violence
As a victim of crime, you might be able to avoid removal
The last thing you expected when you were walking through the parking lot at a Colorado shopping center was that you would become victim to a crime. Although you may have been grateful that you survived and your injuries were non-life threatening, you may have...
Breaking free from the world of human trafficking
As a person travels through life, he or she may experience many emotions. Joy, sorrow, anger, excitement and others are all part of living a full life. However, if the emotion you have experienced most in life is fear, you may realize it is time to seek help,...
Domestic violence victims can find relief through VAWA
Domestic violence is a serious problem in the United States. However, not everyone affected by domestic violence is a U.S. citizen. If you are facing violence at home, but are worried that reporting it could cause problems for your immigration status, you may have...