Most Colorado immigrants would agree that life in the United States is not without its challenges. No matter where you emigrated from, if you arrived in the U.S. before you were able to speak fluent English, the language barrier may have caused you confusion and...
Immigration Law Is All About Family
Month: February 2019
Employment alternatives for spouses of H-1B workers
The spouses of California workers with H-1B visas may be vulnerable to losing their rights to work in the United States. Legislation has been proposed that will end the abilities of spouses of H-1B workers to get employment authorization documents. The H-1B visa...
USCIS vows to scrutinize child marriage petitions more closely
An Associated Press report released in January revealed that more than 5,000 adults in California and around the country have submitted immigration petitions on behalf of spouses under the age of 18. The report, which was based on figures from the Department of...
H-1B application period coming in April 2019
Companies in California who want to hire skilled professionals from outside the United States may need to act urgently. The H-1B visa program allows businesses inside the U.S. to hire workers from abroad with specialized knowledge, and it is frequently used in the...
Seeking permanent residency for a relative
If you are a citizen of the U.S., chances are that you want to share your freedoms and privileges with your family members. The government offers many opportunities for immediate family members of citizens to obtain green cards, allowing them to live permanently in...
Studying and working in the U.S. for immigrants
According to a study from the Pew Research Center, the United States has more highly-educated immigrants than any other country in the world. In states like California, these immigrants attend universities and have prestigious positions at tech companies in Silicon...
Immigration interview: Your words and actions affect outcome
You likely had a million thoughts running through your mind when you started your new life in Colorado. As an immigrant, you understood that you might encounter numerous challenges as you adjusted to the culture here. What you didn't expect is that the U.S. government...