Earning a green card is not for the faint hearted. There is often a light at the end of the arduous process to receiving a green card, which is the stepping stone to achieving permanent residence in the United States. Green card holders are often eligible for a wide-range of opportunities, including the ability to work and live in the U.S. and have protected rights.
There are conditions, however, where the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service may revoke your hard-earned green card. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the situation, the immigration service may determine that certain acts show you are no longer able to uphold the rules and regulations pertaining to the green card. These include the following:
- Conviction of a serious crime, such as a DUI, drug charges or fraud
- Leaving the country for a trip that lasts longer than one year
- Declaring yourself as a ‘nonimmigrant’ on U.S. tax returns
- Establishing permanent residence in another country
- Failing to pay federal and/or state taxes
- Marrying an American citizen with the sole intent of receiving a green card
If you are a male immigrant between 18 and 25 years old, you must register for the U.S. military’s Selective Service System. Failure to do so, could also lead to repossession of your green card.
Immigration services can revoke your green card whether you commit an act accidentally or unintentionally. Keep in mind that green cards are valid for two years, for conditional residents, and for 10 years for all other card holders.
This information is intended to educate and should not be taken as legal advice.