Legally entering the United States could protect you from instability and violence in your country of origin. It may also open up a wealth of opportunities, from changing your religion to pursuing a college degree.
After you legally move to the United States and begin developing your life here, you may hope to extend similar opportunities to the people that you love. You probably have many people you care about still living in your country of origin. Family members can sometimes sponsor one another for visas and green cards.
Are there opportunities for you to help a sibling enter the United States?
Only citizens can help siblings immigrate
There are multiple different ways for one person to help others lawfully enter the United States. Someone traveling on a student or employment visa could bring their spouse and unmarried minor children with them.
Permanent residents could help close family members, including their spouses and children, enter the country and secure green cards of their own. Citizens can also help loved ones obtain visas and green cards to become permanent residents.
If you have a visa or a green card, your options for helping family members stop with your spouse and children. To assist other family members, you need to become a naturalized citizen. With your citizenship, you will be in a position to potentially help your brothers or sisters enter the country and become permanent residents. Citizens can sponsor siblings for family preference visas, although such applications receive the lowest preference consideration.
Are there other ways to help your siblings?
Many people find the idea of naturalization intimidating. They may worry about taking a test or about their command of the English language. If you do not believe that naturalization is an option for you, you could still potentially help your siblings.
You could research different visa programs and send them information on how to apply. You could help them look into job opportunities with domestic companies or even serve as a matchmaker for a possible future marriage that would bring them to the United States.
Learning more about different family-based immigration options can help you support your closest family members if they want to enter the United States after you do.